
3 things to keep in your car

By: / May 22nd 2017.

The roads are always unpredictable so it is smart to keep a few things in your car just in case. It is important to be prepared for roadside emergencies, some of these things could end up saving your life. Here are my 3 essentials for you to keep in your car:

Everyone needs to keep a pair of jumper cables in their car. When your car won’t start up you’ll be prepared! What I love about these jumper cables is the fact that they’re color coordinated so it will reduce confusion and make this dreadful process more bearable!

This hammer is very handy to have incase of an emergency. It is designed to prevent being trapped in a wrecked or submerged vehicle. This hammer serves two purpose: it has a safeguarded blade that can cut through a seatbelt and it can shatter windows for a quick escape. Get one for all your loved ones.

This roadside emergency accident and preparedness kits would be beneficial to keep in your car. It is compact and don’t take up lots of space so it is perfect to keep in your trunk. It includes items varying from glow sticks to handwarmers and other items that can assist you in case of an emergency.

Be prepared and be safe out there!

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